Une interview exclusive avec des gens comfus | Franchisé Chifeng --- Wang Jianfeng


Summary: first of all, thank President Wang for taking time out of his busy schedule, because he may be on the road at any time. This is also the normal work of many floor people. In the scorching summer, pay tribute to every person engaged in flooring business!

A few days ago, I had the honor to have a simple conversation with Wang Jianfeng, a franchisee of Chifeng. First of all, thank President Wang for taking time out of his busy schedule, because he may be on the road at any time. This is also the normal work of many floor people. In the scorching summer, pay tribute to every person engaged in flooring business!

1. Meeting with comfus: it's both accidental and inevitable

Taking the opportunity of the annual Asian concrete floor exhibition that floor people will certainly participate in, President Wang contacted the brand of comfort. Through comfus, we learned about the equipment and toughening agent materials for floor construction in detail. However, these are far from being the necessary conditions for cooperation. Construction experience, construction skills, construction cases, project quotation and assistance in proofing are all nutrients that Corus can provide for every customer. It has been nearly a year since we reached cooperation with comfus.

An exclusive interview with comfus people | Chifeng franchisee --- Wang Jianfeng

Kangfus general manager Huang and general manager Wang clock in model project (Application of diamond floor) -- Liuhe building, Chifeng City

The picture shows Liuhe building in Chifeng City. After three years of use, the ground is still as bright as new

2. Plastic floor - Diamond floor: flexibility and survival

President Wang was engaged in the business of plastic floor and plastic runway in the early stage. Although their technology is relatively mature, the competition is very fierce. Low price is also a helpless choice. But the market will not pity you because of low prices. Low price is like a mine, which always hides unknown dangers. Transformation or business development is imperative. Flexibility is survival, and invariance is the grasp of project quality and the sincere heart to customers.

The picture shows general worker Wang using corfoss grinding machine for drilling crystal floor proofing. Proofing is not vague!

3. Appreciation of classic cases -- crystal diamond quality, solid and dust-free

If you want to make a quality floor, you should not only pay attention to excellent machines and materials, but also pay attention to the grasp of details. Grinding speed and method, material consumption and waiting time are only theoretical figures, which must be subject to rigorous field experiments. It's really hard to do everything personally. I just want peace of mind. The carborundum project last year started from carborundum paving, so it is natural to understand the density of the ground and make quality decisions. The diamond floor made by President Wang is fresh and meaningful, with the clear and natural wind of the grassland. Even in such a closed place as the underground garage, it makes people feel bright and comfortable.

4. Join comfort -- choose the best from the best to escort the quality floor construction industry and Commerce

It is a prudent choice to sign your name on the franchise contract. When I first entered the floor industry, I also had the choice of other products. But after proofing, the effect is not ideal. In the early stage, the 300 series two-component curing agent under corfoss brand was selected, which is easy to construct and rapid response, especially for the ground with poor ground foundation in China. Later, the company needed the support of reliable partners after the weight of floor business was tilted. Most of our products are of medium and high quality, which can not meet the requirements of effective products.

The flooring industry is naturally highly competitive, but you can survive by finding your own way of development. Low prices do not necessarily produce profits. President Wang wrote in his circle of friends that he would rather explain the price than apologize for the quality. This also coincides with the concept of quality floor of comfort!

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